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2-in-1 Dog Friendly Toothbrush and Chew Toy - Green / Large dog

(Cód. Item 31911908) | Disponível em estoque.

Translation missing: pt-BR.product.general.regular_priceR$ 10,92
Translation missing: pt-BR.product.general.sale_priceR$ 8,19

Em até 12x de R$ 0,83

R$ 2,73 de desconto

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Playtime and brushing your dog's teeth is now easier and enjoyable with our multifunctional toothbrush and chew toy.

Its soft texture is designed to be safe for your dog's teeth to chew on and brush their teeth. It is made of non-toxic natural and durable rubber making it a safe and enjoyable experience for them.

Easily dispense the toothpaste from the hole on the top to evenly spread the toothpaste around the brush. It also has a stabilizing base for your pet to hold on to while brushing.

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