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360° Muscle Reliever

(Cód. Item 31914379) | Disponível em estoque.

color: Blue
R$ 159,97

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ShinyFit™ — innovative, adjustable, 4-point foam roller, and massager, it's the perfect solution for reducing cellulite, soothing sore muscles, and improving skin elasticity.

Reduce Cellulite

15 minutes a day towards cellulite-free skin. All-natural, non-invasive. Cellulite does significantly lessen with stimulation and increased blood flow. We all love a good massage — especially one that reduces cellulite.

Deep Tissue Massage

Beyond myofascial massage ShinyFit™ helps release tensionstressand pain in the muscles by improving natural blood circulation and reducing inflammation to restore mobility and flexibility.


Stay Healthy

ShinyFit™ is great for myofascial release, deep tissue massage, reflexology, acupressure, or even relieving carpal tunnel or strained muscles. It also has a proven track record in helping with fibromyalgia painsspider veinsand restless legs syndrome.


Baby Skin

ShinyFit™ improves skin elasticity. It will never over-stimulate the skin, despite close contact during the massage.

How It Works ?

Featuring 4 independent rollers, you'll be able to effectively target all your stubborn fat pockets. Tone your calves and thighs with ShinyFit™ by breaking down fats and cellulite in those areas.

Cellulite is thought to arise when the fibrous bands of connective tissue (fascia) that anchor the skin to muscles break down, allowing fat cells to push up into the skin layer. This creates the uneven, bumpy texture that gives cellulite its cottage cheese-like appearance. 
Enhanced blood flow and increased lymphatic drainage help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The idea is that increasing circulation to the area strengthens fascia and prevents fat cells from pushing through to cause more dimpling. 
The anti-cellulite massage stimulates the deep layers of the skin and the muscle, encouraging the flow of oxygenated blood to the area, which provides the nutrients necessary to improve the condition of your skin, as well as helping the lymphatic system to remove any toxins and excess fluid.


Specifications :

Materials : Premium ABS and foamed Plastic
Weight : 300 g

Package includes :

1 x ShinyFit™ Multifunction Muscle Relaxer

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